Home Weatherization Assistance

Offices that provide this program:
About the Home Weatherization Assistance Program
The Home Weatherization Assistance Program performs whole house diagnostics on each home to ensure that the best possible weatherization measures are completed. The focus of the weatherization measures is to identify and correct health and safety concerns and at the same time increase client comfort levels and energy savings. The HWAP Program also works closely with two utility programs, Warm Choice and AEP, in addressing health and safety issues. The Warm Choice Program is available to Columbia Gas of Ohio customers who meet the established income guidelines and have a heating unit that is unsafe to operate. The AEP Program is eligible to American Electric Power customers who meet the income guidelines and have a total electric home with a heating unit that is unsafe to operate. The HWAP Program also collaborates with the COAD Housing Trust Fund to provide emergency health and safety measures to eligible clients. Weatherization clients are prioritized via a point system for high need clients. Examples would be households occupied by the elderly, small children, physically impaired individuals, and those who are high energy users. The Weatherization field staff, which includes installers and inspectors, have been trained and certified to conduct the weatherization measures necessary to achieve the goals of the program. Weatherization technology continues to change therefore crews continually upgrade their skills and are required to complete training updates and re-certification courses.
Populations Served
Income Guidelines
At or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level.