Kno-Ho-Co-Ashland Programs

The Coshocton Community Center is a community organization dedicated to improving the health, educational attainment, human welfare, and opportunities for youth, adults, and families in Coshocton by sharing our community strengths through collaboration to resolve life’s challenges.

Provide quality, affordable dental care to those who would otherwise be unable to obtain this basic health service.

Helping over 3,000 low-income households a year meet the high cost of home heating.

Providing assistance to those in a crisis situation with rental assistance, utility assistance.

Providing shelter and supportive services so clients can acquire decent, safe, and affordable housing.

Reducing the incidence of unplanned pregnancies while providing quality reproductive health care.

Provide eligible children with 128 days of class, each day a minium of 3 ½ hours in length.

Our Health and Wellness programs offer a variety of activities designed to help seniors engage socially and stay active physically and mentally.

Typically performing whole house diagnostics on 140 - 150 homes per year to ensure that the best possible weatherization measures are completed.

This Crisis Program assists eligible program participants to quickly obtain and sustain safe, stable housing.

Our Senior Nutrition programs offer home delivered meals to the homebound and congregate meals at the Senior Center daily.

We provide a variety of activities to promote and sustain a healthy, more active lifestyle, and provide a wide range of services to meet the needs of every senior.

Our Supplemental Food programs offer a variety of supplemental food to seniors.